I didn't want to hijack the baseball glove thread. Baseball for kids t-ball thru majors (rec ball) needs to be made fun instruction wise. As a parent of a Son that played for 18 years (age 4 to 22) I tried my best to make practice and around the house instruction fun. My wife bought a pitch back at a yard sale probably the best piece of equipment ever brought to the house. The pitch back allows them to dictate how hard the return flight of the ball is a great confidence builder,also allows Dad to take a breather during yard ball. Tee work can be made fun by Dad moving back a few steps at a time and having jr. hit balls to you, make it fun. Tie some kite string across the yard about waist high to Dad tell jr. to try and hit line drives fun and challenging. Most of all keep it positive and fun. Don't have the drill sargeant mentality let jr. dictate when and how long to knock around in the yard. Have fun.

"Grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry,and Mona Lisa was a man"