Originally Posted By: Goatkiller
If you want a lightweight rifle and you are going to spend over $3k on it and don't get a Forbes... that's just dumb in my opinion. Like completely mis-informed kinda dumb and might not even know it. That's all I'm saying.

You got lots more options for a lot less money. That guarantee 1/2 MOA is probably like most other rifles MOA guarantee. Really not worth the ink it was printed with. Most people can't shoot that good even a 3 shot group and dang sure not a 5. And it ain't a heavy barrel long range rig either. I don't need 1/2 MOA to kill anything under 500 yards with a hunting rifle. I can do that with something from the local Wal-Mart.

And I can get a 1/2 out of a Savage with a good barrel so that don't impress either when it comes down to it. And I've had several Kimbers that would do under 1" and others that needed a little work to get there but all but one I have got to shoot. And they are a lot less money.

All that being said the rifle is probably a nice rifle and if you want one get it. Don't listen to us. You will probably love it.

Just for clarity there is no more "Forbes". That company was Melvin Forbes second attempt to mass produce his custom NULA. The Forbes company is out of business.

I own a Forbes but only because I had inside info on the serial number,that it was an early enough model to be built by Melvin himself. Melvin tried to teach Forbes employs how to build his rifle and stock. It didn't take them long to fail miserably in both quality and customer service,which is why they went bankrupt.

You can buy a custom NULA from Melvin. They start at about $3400. I was told $1000 down and 9 months to delivery not long ago.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 04/04/17 09:33 AM.