Originally Posted By: WDE
Originally Posted By: CatHeadBiscuit
Originally Posted By: WDE
Originally Posted By: centralala
I can't understand people telling me the correct way to spend my money. I have a credit score of zero. Doesn't bother me. Have never owned a credit and that seems to bother others more than me. 1.5% back on a credit card?? Where does that money come from? Credit card co. let participants cut into their profits? Don't think so. Its YOUR money they been using interest free. Just like an income tax return. I have no need for one.

How do you know that your credit score is zero? And why did you check it? I pay everything on my credit card. How do you think a BANK works? I get anything from 1.5 to 5% from the cards. I don't get shucks from my bank by using my debit card or a check. Do you get paid in cash? As someone else said, the credit card companies charge a fee to the place where you used the card. Why would you not take advantage of that? It is the ONLY WAY to make a little change on the money that you are spending! The fact that some folks don't realize this is amazing!

Is it amazing that some people are happy even though they don't worry themselves constantly about money?

What are you talking about? My post was not directed towards you. I don't care what what you worry about when it comes to your money. My reply was about making a little change while spending it.

Your confusion is certainly understandable and there is probably no way for me to explain it to you in a way you would understand. Suffice it to say not everybody is going to walk your walk. It doesn't mean they are wrong or right. It just means they look at things differently and may have different priorities.

"Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a crap on the table, and strut around like its victorious."--Anonymous