I touched a doe in Sumpter Co with my shotgun bbl in late 60s, she came completely unglued and fell several times before gaining traction and leaving the state. shocked grin

I grabbed the antler of a two year old buck a dozen years ago. He was hopped up with testosterone and unsure what I was as he came closer. At six feet he hooked his antlers in a vine and got tangled and in trying to get loose he stepped towards me. Younger and dumber I held onto a sapling and reached out and grabbed his antler. i held on for ten minutes, welll actually fou..two nanoseconds, but it felt longer. shocked I wouldn't do it again but it was exciting as all hail at the time. loco

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one