Originally Posted By: poorcountrypreacher
Common sense just ain't very common in wildlife management. I don't believe there is any other branch of science that is so often wrong about what it teaches as "facts."

I guess it's because it's so hard to carry out truly valid research on wild animals. A small study is done somewhere and reaches a conclusion and everyone in the field jumps on it and tries to apply it everywhere. And it's only years later that they realize they were wrong.

And you're classified as an idiot that knows nothing about wildlife if you have observed something that contradicts the study. But if I have no info myself, I will refer to their studies until proven otherwise.

As far as coyotes, they couldn't have known the impact. I'm not justifying the doe killing but I have been with this from the beginning this round of coyotes in Alabama. At first they were interesting and a novelty. Then about the mid 90's their impact started to show. Has only gotten worse. No one saw it coming to this. We learned. Sadly the state are slow learners and even slower to respond. Now here we are. NO ONE 35 years ago would have thought the coyotes would/,could do this. Throw in hunters, car collisions, disease, natural mortality, etc. has really hurt some areas population.