Originally Posted By: Yelp softly
This would be a good opportunity to do a soil sample and see if there is a correlation to what you're observing. I believe animals can tell the difference in plots that are more nutritious. Science tells us that plots with the proper pH are better able to utilize the nutrients in the soil and should be more nutritious.

If soil tests on these plots don't reveal a correlation then your answer lies elsewhere. Maybe the plots being used heavily are closer to prime bedding areas. Either way, you've got some pieces to an interesting puzzle. If you piece it together, it could pay off in the future.

We did a soil test this past summer. The soil in the first pic is poor. The soil in the second pic is very good. Both plots are surrounded by thick, thick pines.

The pines in these areas we planted by seed broadcasted from a helicopter. There are no neat rows. They are all small and very close together. So yes, there is great cover in these areas and some of our best buck pics come from these fields.