This morning I was running late because I hit snooze one too many times. I couldn't go to the spot I wanted to because I was too late to get across the clearcut so I went to another spot.

As soon as I got to my listening spot I heard one on the property line. This bird has been hanging out in the neighbors pasture some lately so I figured I'd go fool with him and try to get him to come into our Woods.

By the time I finally got to him and set up he flew down away from me but onto our property. So I took off that way through some awful thick stuff in a creek bottom. I knew they were on a hardwood Ridge I just had to get over to them.

Once I started getting closer I could tell he had several hens with him too, but he was still gobbling and even gobbling at me crunch leaves while walkng. I eased up the ridge about halfway and set up where if he crested the top he'd be about 40 yards.

I hit a few clucks and one light series of yelps and he cut me off. I set my call down and put up the gun. It wasn't a minute and I could hear him drumming and anot her minute or so and he popped over the ridge. It was a beautiful spot to watch a turkey and if I wasn't feeling the pressure to kill one, I might have watched him a little longer. Once he stepped in the first clearing though, I sent the tss his way and rolled him up.

Nice 3 year old I'm guessing and one of the heavier birds I've killed around here.