Well, danged if I can find any recipe I might have used so here is what I remember....

One deer shoulder topped with Stubb's beef marinade, unseasoned tenderizer [I use Adolph's - no MSG], salt, pepper and garlic salt. In addition, I slice up some garlic cloves and jalapeno pepper, make slits in the meaty parts of the shoulder and slip a slice of each in the slits. You don't want to over power the meat just add some flavor. So, how much you use would depend on the shoulder size.

After that, I wove a bacon blanket on top of the shoulder so it was entirely covered in bacon. Added to that I rough chopped celery & bella mushrooms. I then added jalapeno slices [those were pickled] but I use fresh too. Added to that I julienned some carrots, added sliced red onion [lots] and some grape tomatoes. You could really use any veggies you like with this...

All of this was cooked tightly wrapped in foil that I sprayed with cooking spray before hand and popped in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour....I check after an hour and if the veggies need a bit more time, I cook a bit longer. When those veggies are done, your meat should be perfect. You don't want to over cook it.

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.