Originally Posted By: deadeye48

Obviously boys will exaggerate/Lie in the locker room and field house.

That wasn't the case for us in the early 80's. We where a tight group that were truthful. We participated in organized sports together until our 30's. But we didn't have to take their word for it. We would drop the student off with the teacher and pick them back up at a given time. We knew without it having been told. So we didn't speak of it. I have seen, heard, and done things that wouldn't be believed except by the ones who have known me. Some I can't believe myself and I was there. So its not spoken of. But that was a different time, a different life, and I'm now a different person.

May be just me but at an early age, say 15, we seemed more mature and more responsible than the same age kids today. Maybe because we were rural, farming oriented. At 15 then if you couldn't change the oil in a tractor or the spindles in a cotton picker you were an idiot.