Originally Posted By: FastXD
Originally Posted By: Beer Belly
If your son actually has potential to be a college or past that level pitcher, then you are a fool for letting him pitch in travel ball.

Not saying "you", but the collective you. Colleges are already avoiding travel ball kids for pitchers and it is going to get worse.

I totally disagree with this comment. If you look at most any kid from a D1 college that has been or being recruited will come from Travel Ball, especially pitchers. The level of competition at the High School level does not even compare to the Travel Ball level at the same age groups.

I agree.

The rec/park league level of competition where we live doesn't compare to the travel leagues/tourneys we play in. Each has its place and every child should have the chance to play. Find the level of good constructive competition your child is comfortable in and with and he/she will play up to that level continually getting better.

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