Any camera priced in the range you request will have a short life span. The "mid grade" camera types are built this way. Most are made in China and suck to be honest.

Leaky seals, blurred images, false triggers, hiccups from signal service, battery life are worst than expected. I personally found this out by starting at that level of cameras many years ago and then finally being fed up of the same old sales mfg trickery went the top end route and never have had ANY issues.

Just remember, buying cheap merchandise to save money, is like stopping a clock to save time.

Good luck on your endeavours though.

I ran many Covert brands. They have crappy seals over 1 year of use and then your internals will be all condensated and if not coated to prevent this, they fail. Covert doesn't coat their boards.

No cameras out there do you want any internal moisture but the top dogs makers coat their boards to help aid in preventing a short circuit of the unit as a protective measure.

In this hobby, you get what you pay for, plain n simple.

4 - Reconyx SC950's
1 - Reconyx XR6 Ultra Fire
4 - Homebrew Units

**Don't waste $$ on those midrange priced cameras**