Just got back from my place in Alabama to put in food plots and found out to my dismay that my "neighbor" who has a total of 4 acres surrounded on all four sides by my farm(320 acres) has a new shooting house in his backyard and has the back acre planted in corn, soybeans and grain strips. Looks like something out of a QDMA magazine. Anyway, since I am not to keen on him spending the next few months shooting the deer I spend a lot of time and money on I have about concluded I am gonna have to do something about it. One option is to high fence around his property which I don't have time for or want to spend the money on. Option two is to put feeders out on my property near his line. I can put two feeders up within 50 yards of his stand and not impact my hunting at all.

So my question for the game warden is if the corn is within 50 yards of his stand, the feeder is clearly visible from his stand and I make him aware of the fact it is there, will he be legally hunting over bait even though the bait is not on his property?