Originally Posted By: CNC
I think we get too hung up on thinking the world is gonna end tomorrow due to moral issues of some but I think the bigger issues when it comes to global problems will stem from population growth and limited resources. If the climate continues to change and we see severe droughts becoming more prevalent….then chit will really start hitting the fan. Let the Midwest have a complete crop failure for a few years and see what kind of chaos breaks out. It’s mind blowing to ride through states like Illinois and Iowa and see how much corn and beans we grow in order to feed people. This is how many civilizations perished such as the Mexican Indians…..major drought….not enough food....Choas will follow it happening in this day and time. One or two more generations and few will even know how to grow a garden anymore.

I agree. I think that soon we will see a shift in our country and in the world as a whole to a more sustainable type of global economy. IF the climate continues on this path we won't have an option. However, we may have to deal with droughts, food shortages, etc..until the gross amount of greenhouse gases can be absorbed/displaced/captured and the planet can recover.

Note: Assuming everything that "they" say about Climate Change is accurate.

" What's that old saying.....
Never let your spouse leave the house horny or hungry, because their is always a whore with a sandwich out there. "