One of the worst things about our society these days is how bias we’ve become. Folks seem to just pick a political side and then put on the blinders. It's like no one is able to assess something on the true merits anymore. If the person you like did it then it’s good….if the other person did it, it’s bad. If Hillary was in this same position of being suspected of being in bed with the Russians as well as having just got a soldier killed in a botched raid……this forum would be melting down right now with threads. Let the shoe be on the other foot though and it’s all good, we’ll just let that slide. It’s no different with the other side. Rail on folks for 8 years for not accepting Obama as Pres and then the very minute the current election is over, you’re in the street claiming “not my Pres!”. Bias fellas….bias. We the people are worse than the media themselves.

Last edited by CNC; 03/07/17 03:58 AM.

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