I guess I'm probably a 1 on a narrow-mindedness scale of 1-10.

I tend not to hate entire groups of people because of what their government did in the past or because of what a small percentage of them have done. If I did, I would probably hate Americans, because Americans and the American government has done some pretty crappy stuff in the past. But I don't. I loved America enough to serve my country, and was fortunate enough to have never had to kill anyone from any of those other countries while in her service.

I guess I just don't understand all the hate all the time. When you hold hate in your heart against another person or group it is a burden and a cancer in your own heart, and 99% of the time that other person could care less and sometimes they even thrive on it.

It's a struggle and it is something that I have to work on everyday. It is easy to hate and hard to forgive and to love.

Jesus never taught us to hate other people that I can recall, but does say that, "...the greatest of these is Love."