It only took me 33 years to get a decent buck with a bow; at this rate I'll be 90 years old when I get the next one. smile

I couldn't stand it anymore, so we left about noon to look for him. I found a few drops of blood where I shot him, and it soon turned into a heavy trail. Went about 100 yards and there he was; I think he died soon after I shot him.

I hit him a little further forward than I thought. It entered high behind the left shoulder and exited between his legs. Got one lung, just as we figured. The rest of the arrow was still in him.

He had a better rack than I realized. An 8 pt, he had a 21" inside spread, one 23" beam and one was 21.25. I looked him over carefully when we found him, hoping he would make 130, but I decided he wouldn't quite make it. He didn't, but 127.75 is a good deer for our area.

Yes Shaw, it was that noisy Matthews that got him. smile
I think your tune-up job really helped it.

Jughead, there were no guts on the arrow, so I thought 3 hours ought to be long enough. I suspect he was dead in 5 minutes, but its better to give them time. Thanks to everyone for the help.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.