Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Originally Posted By: centralala
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
I think it is humorous that y'all think that leaving scent while filling a feeder will prevent mature bucks from visiting it....I really do!

It shows how little you know about animal behavior.
There is a thing called 'Conditiioned Reaction'.
Don't overhunt the area, climbing trees every day and slinging arrows at every Doe that comes by or shooting every buck that walks through and guess what.....
That same mature bucks becomes conditioned to the act of filling the feeder and associates it with fresh groceries.

But, I prefer folks to keep up the 'it spoils em away' and 'it makes em all nocturnal' talk, though!! LOL

You are saying all mature bucks will react the same??

Conditioned behavior for 3 months on and 9 months off?
Let's face it, the feed will only be there in the vast majority of the cases for 3-4 months. How long will it take to condition mature bucks with this pattern?

I don't know.....how long does it take them to find a food plot? And how in the World are they bushhogged, disked planted and fertilized with no human scent?

I think you've solved my question of why 9 out of 10 mature bucks we kill are in the woods not plots. A mature buck in a hunted area has " conditioned behavior" all right, overly cautious , stay alive behavior. A pile of corn is no different than a primary scrape or plot for that matter , go in and sit over it a couple days and your odds of killing a MATURE buck go down every day. I just don't think a big ol stud buck is gonna ram his head in a corn pile in daylight with any regularity.

Not and live. I don't believe around me they can even move during the daylight and live