I think you can trust AU Coonhunter on stuff like this. I have a hard time being sure by looking at feathers, but I think he's got it down.

I joined a club in GA about 10 yrs ago without even seeing it. Finally went over there last week in April and heard one turkey gobble, and he flew down across the property line. I spent the rest of the day looking around and that was literally the only turkey on the place.

I went back into the area he roosted in mid afternoon and started calling, and the gobbler came up and made a wide circle around me, staying about 50 yards out. He looked exactly like the turkey in your pic, with a short, thick beard that looked like beard rot, but his color was just like a longbeard. I kept telling him to stop and give me a good look at him, or I was gonna ground check him. He never did and was moving away from me, so I let the tss check him for me - Jake. Oh well. He was a $400 turkey.

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 03/02/17 11:49 AM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.