Originally Posted By: Spottedbass
While I agree with what you are saying mostly, since when is it the educators fault that today's parents will not discipline? Kids need discipline and they need structure there is no doubt. But for you to put your blame on teachers is not fair. Not to mention teachers can and do discipline but there is zero reinforcement at home.

The problem today is parents are not parenting and are scared to be the bad guy. A lot of parents today expect teachers to parent for them for 7 hrs a day, then when they are home that parent is their friend.

BINGO!! That's why I left the field of education and went into the medical field. When I was in education I literally had to call parents on my cell and let them listen to their "angel" cuss everyone in the classroom. And this was in an elementary school!! Then, the parents would show up and check them out so that they wouldn't get another phone call. Yes, some of these parents were hood rats, but some were people that you would think knew better.

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!