One problem that tends to be prevalent in many marriages today is that there is vey little discussion about discipline of children even before the marriage occurs and children are born. If a couple receives counseling before marriage, this should be a big part of the discussion along with finances. No counseling, the couple needs to talk about both and be on the same page. If they are not in agreement on discipline, there will be trouble ahead in the marriage, and children pick up on disagreements between parents, and then play them only causing more problems.

I could go on and on about what the Bible says and all, but the main problem this day and time is selfishness. Many dad's are not involved in their children's lives. They want to be out doing what they want to do instead of being the godly dad that is outlined in the Bible. Leave the kids to mom, school teachers, Sunday School teachers, etc. why I go out and enjoy my life. Heck, I deserve it after working 40 or 40+ hours a week. I know because I at one time was caught up in it. Fortunately, God showed me my way was in error of His Word. Mothers have an absolutely extreme effect on their children. She loves them pretty much more than anyone other than Christ Himself. But, with as much love and care that a mother can give, she cannot replace a loving and caring father. A dad who accepts and lives as a godly example to his children, and makes sacrifices for his family, will set the tone of the rest of his children's lives. Yeah, there will always be the prodigals, but if the dad has done his job, those prodigals will return if they don't destroy themselves during their wayward years. And if that happens, a dad has the satisfaction of knowing he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.

Men in our country today should be very saddened by the fact that dad's have underperformed and have not taken the role of responsibility given to them. There are some very good dad's out there, but unfortunately, many more have let women and others usurp their position of authority in the home or they're just not present in the home. Way too many children run our homes today. Men need to step up and lead their families; not as a ruler, but as a loving father like our Father in Heaven. Just like our Father in Heaven disciplines us out of love, we should do so to our children because we love them. Plus, we need to remember to love our wives as Christ loves the church. A great example to our children in coming years when they will be choosing a husband or wife.

The old cliché, "Expect nothing and you'll get nothing", holds very true to raising our children. We need to get back to honoring the lines of authority given in God's Word. And we must teach them to our children, and expect them to have respect for us and others. Folks, the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. What is going to happen to our country if we sit idly by and not accept our responsibilities as dads? As the Apostle Paul would say, "Heaven forbid".

Last edited by Big Al; 02/28/17 02:52 AM.

"Said I never had much use for one; never said I didn't know how to use it".
-Matthew Quigley in "Quigley Down Under"