Ain't neither one of my kids ever made a dollar outside the home. I mixed mud and toted blocks for my granddad from age 12-18. Guess what? If Paw didn't have a job, my dad had me pulling wire on a house or toting torches and compressors for A/C units. Also raised a garden. Best damn thing ever happened to me. Taught me a work ethic. I made twice the minimum wage before I could drive. So there was definitely some reward too.
My grandpa and my dad really knew hard work. Every generation gets a little softer I think. I got a few of them DHR whippings too and I survived.
If I ever whooped one of mine just a little I had to fill out a "use of force" report and there was an internal affairs investigation and I ended up on probation.

“Killing tomorrow’s trophies today.”

On the distance I like to walk to my stands:
“The first 100 yards is also the last 100 yards.”