Originally Posted By: straycat

ALDEER missed connection

So tonight around 6:20 I'm stuck in heavy traffic due to a bad wreck on I-65 South between 459 & Valleydale in Hoover. Creeping along and I pass a silver Toyota 4Runner with an Aldeer Sticker and a female driver...personalized Auburn tag. I honked and waved as I slowly passed when my lane moved forward. I'm guessing my sticker was then visible.

Well her lane finally caught up and she passed with a wave a smile of Aldeer recognition and hesitation because Lord knows what kind of nutjob it could be right?

I was in a dark red GMC Sierra with an Ole Miss decal beside the Aldeer Sticker.

Hello to whoever or whoever's girl.
Who was it?

Please respond to
The $traycat

This could of easily been In the missed connection forum in craigslist. grin