We used 1/4" concrete rod for the frame. Made 3 circles about 2' in diameter with 6 runners about 5' long. Weld at all together and cover in chicken wire. Make a cone out of chicken wire for the back and another cone to create a second compartment where we would put cottonseed meal cakes for the bait. Of course, anchor it so that bait compartment is upriver and the fish will enter the first cone on the downriver side, and most of them would go through the second cone too.

We would anchor them with a concrete block and a length of wire about 10' long. We carried a long piece of concrete rod with a hook in it to catch the wire and pull up the basket to check it. There was no need to mark it and nobody else would ever know it was there. A big flood could sand them in or wash them away, but it was a great system for catching a whole bunch of catfish.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.