I am sick of the idiot rednecks in the legislature who cannot kill a deer without hunting over a pile of corn always trying to get it legalized. Where are the sane folks in the legislature who will just bitch slap those stupid rednecks and say no to all this crap?

Meanwhile, prisons are over crowded, Medicaid is bankrupt, blacks have 75% of their kids out of wedlock and whites 30% both of which are totally destroying the social fabric of society not to mention the schools, illegals are everywhere taking jobs and reducing wages, Crips and Bloods everywhere, many public schools are crap, and the only thing these guys are fighting for is hunting over corn piles?????????

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter