Originally Posted By: M48scout
There's no way I could knowingly dig up a dead child. I think most of us, if we are honest would be extremely affected by the sight of what you'd find. It's horrible to even think about.

I wouldn't want the liability of the police coming back and criticizing me, and saying I interfered with their crime scene either.

Truthfully, you'd smell it before you got to the body. Since you know why you're digging there, you would know what the smell was and not go any further, I would hope. Also you are right about contaminating a possible crime scene and to take it a step further, since it is clear why you are digging you could possibly be facing charges of Tampering With Evidence, Desecration of Corpse and Destroying a Venerated Object. That would be something for the DA to figure out though.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.