Originally Posted By: jmj120
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Originally Posted By: jmj120
Chuck says 3 bucks are enough for anyone... Ok. Here's my idea. If 3 bucks are enough, then the rich arse doctor that's chairman of the CAB who runs off to other states and shoots deer, then he can only shoot 3. I mean, 3 is enough, right? A feller kills one in Texas, one in Mississippi and one in Alabama is done. Chuck said 3 is enough for anyone.......

I have often thought the same!

Funny how a little thought will expose the hypocrisy of someone's 'stance' on an issue.......

I just wonder where the number 3 came from. Did Chuck just dream it up? Then he has the gall to say "we may give them another buck" That little comment along with his "entitlement" comment makes my blood boil.

Well........we are 'his' people....... LOL