Originally Posted By: gatorbait154
Well I found someone's corn pile and camera on my property today!!

I hope you catch him, keep us posted. You remember what happened to me a few years back. Scouted an area and stayed out of it all year waiting on the rut. I had to cross a creek, walk over 1.5 miles to get there, then eased up the tree I had picked out when scouting. Was fortunate to kill a nice buck, but when retrieving the deer found a stand and an area where someone had been corning within 80 yards of where I was sitting. I called the local GW who did actually come out and scout that whole area. He said he found several stands and a bone pile along the property line but was unable to catch them since there were less than two weeks left in the season. This part of our lease was isolated by a pretty large creek and some wetlands, so the neighbors thought we didn't have access and figure they would keep it hunted for us. The next year I visited a couple of camps that bordered that side of the lease "to introduce myself". I let them know that I was hunting that side of our lease and found evidence of trespassers and asked them if they had any issues on their land. I also let them know I had got the GW involved at the end of the season the year before and he was going to be trying to catch whoever it was. Come to find out one of these camps was a group of guys that only had 80 acres. They were just down the road from the missile plant north of Troy and one of them had been caught hunting in there the year before as well.