Originally Posted By: D Wilborn
I agree, there are plenty of aholes on every political position. But, I don't agree, the same exact things can be said about the Republicans in general. I don't believe any Republicans have groups going out destroying properties and crying in the streets when they didn't get their way with the last two elections. No group advocated killing police officers. Nobody stood on a stage and said they had thought about blowing the white house up and getting thousands of cheers for saying it. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans didn't march in the streets, trashing cities because they thought a Democrat President MIGHT take away freedoms. The more government, the less freedoms. Democrat leaders want more government, where as Republican leaders want less government. There is no doubt that the Democrat party is made up of millions of individuals who would have no problem extinguishing those who don't share their believes. Kind of like ISIS!!!

Outstanding and well articulated post. Thank you sir!

May we all die in bed at 95, shot by a jealous spouse