Most of y'all are understanding where I'm coming from. A few don't so let me be clear. It isn't eating at me. I'm not worried about it. I won't stop frequenting the gas station and it isn't about the $1.50. It just surprised me that he thanked me profusely in one breath and charged me in the second. Just not how I would have handled it had the roles been swapped and I was curious if I was reading too much into it. No harm no foul and truthfully, if I was to go by there again today and he needed help with something I could do, I'd help him out again. That's just how I am. Maybe that's why I'll be poor my whole life. I look at it like this, somewhere down the road I'll need help from someone and they'll help me out in a jam and won't charge me. If not, as mentioned earlier, the good Lord is keeping score and that's all that really matters.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain