Originally Posted By: DEADorALIVE
1) He's half white, too...not sure you could really call him the "first black" President. Bill Clinton was closer to actually being the first black President that Obeyme.

2) I've always had a hard time with the whole "got bin Laden" thing. I think bin Laden died back around '03, probably of natural causes. It wouldn't take a huge conspiracy to push "we got him", either...SpecOp units are VERY compartmentalized, and if "one hand doesn't know what the other is doing" is true, in the special operations world, it's very often more like "one finger doesn't know what the others are doing". Osama bin Laden was absolutely incapable of walking past a video camera without making some video exhorting all his fellow a$$holes to wage jihad against the Great Satan. In the last couple videos he made, he didn't look well...he obviously had some kind of serious liver issue going on, and I doubt the mountains of Afghanistan are flush with dialysis machines. 2003, the videos stopped abruptly...only a couple audio tapes, after that, that the CIA and NSA couldn't conclusively confirm were actually him, then nothing. Better part of a decade later, all of a sudden, "we got him"?...then immediately buried at sea, with no photos? We all saw pics of Saddam, Kaddafie, Saddam's sons, etc., when they were killed, but the most wanted man in the world since Hitler gets dumped at sea the next day, with no pics? I doubt it...

Back to the original question, though...the good thing he did in 8 years was to make it easier for Trump to beat Clinton. Obama's legacy IS Donald Trump. How good that is remains to be seen, but it's already way better than it would've been had hildabeast won the election.

This all day long!!!

Remember it not about the catch or the kill, it’s about the creation and GOD’s will........Blayne Moore
