Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
I dont think greedy bankers have anything to do with the National Debt.

That is excessive GOVT SPENDING, spending more money then they take in,...even though they took in the largest amounts EVER for income taxes.

You do that in business...and youre NOT in business long. ONLY happens with governments.

And, What exactly IS a greedy banker???

These are the lowest interest rates in a Long time.

Mortgages used to be 8, 9 up to 12 percent. They are currently at 4 %!

Greedy Bankers is just a progressive term used to villianize a group or class that progressives want to make out as the "Common enemy".

I dont buy into that nonsense, nor drink that kool aid.

People CHOSE to borrow money from a bank...but the banks are EVIL and GREEDY for charging a percentage? As low as it is now to borrow?

You DO NOT have to deal with banks if you dont want to...if you do..its because YOU made a choice.

Try buying a house WITHOUT those evil banks letting you BORROW their money.

I just dont get the whole EVIL BANKER thing. By the way...the banks crashed and burned over PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT regulations MAKING them loan to people who could not pay them back. Then..they demonize the banks for taking these same peoples (who did not pay and crashed our economy) houses.

Typical progressive liberal move, and promoted to the public via the lying left wing main stream media.

The same IDIOTS who cry "Racist Nationalists!" Over Americans wanting to keep JOBS in America and putting Americans first, and protecting our borders. SMDH!

I guess sending our jobs over seas and having the smallest percentage over Americans working is GREAT with them. I guess in their One World Order mindset....they dont think as Americnas..but a globalists.

I dont..Im a damn proud American! flag

Its not an either or issue. Government blows money and banks do what they can for their quarterly reports. I guess you missed the whole Wells Fargo fiasco a little while back. Both need overhauling. And yes the Fed is a private bank that controls our financial system. Who cares about what is a buzzword anyway.

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled.