When Obama was running for his first term he coined a few phrases that would outline his goals: 1. Hope and Change 2. Transform America.

Well look at what all happened in 8 years under his administration's direction! A lot changed and the fabric of our nation was transformed. Progressive tactics and successes have been around since the early 1900s, but with Obama in office The Progressive Takeover really ramped up and the plan was for it to continue under Hillary Clinton.

Obama was successful pushing his agendas (well The Progressive Movement Agendas) through Congress, through the courts, and through Executive Orders. He accomplished many things on his self-described list of Change and Transformation.

Now most of us are wise enough to know that what he was doing was horrible for our country. But don't be naive to think he wasn't successful. He was. "To the Victor Goes the Spoils" is a quote from antiquity that sums up Obama's 8 years....he used his power position to further Progressive goals on climate, energy, coal mining, LGBTQ rights, race relations, border security/immigration, the courts, national healthcare, trade, US military reduction, and foreign policy....and a host of other issues.

One of the biggest and yet least talked about accomplishment was the appointment of over 300 Federal Judges to the various courts that are not strict Constitutionalists. That alone will continue to be a thorn in our side for decades!!!!

WE can hate what he has done and what he stands for...but he accomplished many things that he told us he would try to do when he was campaigning in 2006 & 2007. The progress he made on many fronts is why so many liberal progressives are out in protest...they dream of this transformed America making even more progress...that is their life goal and primary focus.

As a result of the several decades of "progress", we are engaged in a battle of not just social and political ideas, but of a Spiritual Nature. The fight for what is good , right, just, noble and honorable in God's eyes (Biblical precepts) VS. Progressive Movement ideals steeped in atheism and moral relativism and self-focus that the Great Deceiver (Satan) is using too cripple the Church and make a relationship with Christ unimportant.

Last edited by straycat; 01/23/17 06:38 AM.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams