Originally Posted By: DEADorALIVE
Tell you something that 95% of people will argue with...the ONLY cure for a cold is 10 days. Period.

You can treat and minimize the symptoms, maybe even suppress them enough to keep from being contagious...but there are 2 things about the Rhino Virus that most people refuse to understand...1) you don't show symptoms of Rhino Virus until about 10 days after exposure...it has an incubation period. and 2) there is no known "cure" for it. It runs it's course in about 10 days and cures itself.

All that said, the best way I've found yet to suppress the symptoms is Zycam nasal swabs. They are great for helping beat down the symptoms while encouraging the virus to run its course rapidly. 3-5 swabs/day for 2 or 3 days, along with all the other standard hygiene precautions, and you're right as rain.

This. This. This and this x 100. Dead on!

Zycam swabs work great too! They really knock a couple days off the cold. And it doesn't wean. You just wake up and your symptoms are essentially gone.