Face it there are a whole lot of people that love being fed chit. Obummer fed them for 8 yrs. He said things that made the weak minded feel all fuzzy and warm. Never mind that his lies never came true or he had no proof that they were true. Ne er mind he stole our Country's prominence as a world power for good. His weak-kneed sissy approach to dealing with evil will go down in history. God Bless President Trump, he is a leader. Yesterday even after Obummer left in the Marine chopper, he found the press and gave another press conference. Why ? who knows, his addiction to being the center of attention possibly. Lord knows most of us are sick of him.

Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!

If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!