Most people my age from this area know Melissa and know of what a great person she is. I've known her since probably around 10th or 11th grade from going to the same Tech School. She's always been a hoot to be around. My wife is also good friends with her. Melissa has been going through a battle, a hard battle. It's amazing as to how positive she has been throughout this whole process. I don't come around here a lot asking for prayers, but if ya'll could, say a prayer for her, her family, husband and kids. I hate to see anyone go through something like this, especially someone as young as herself.

I'm going to attach a go-fund me page in case any one feels moved to make a donation. I don't expect anyone to donate, but I know that it can financially help the family with the burdens that come along with this battle. Right now prayers mean as much as anything.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.