Originally Posted By: fireman176

Originally Posted By: globe
That is awesome! I'm sure there's no money in fuel wood though. Right?
Talk about starting with a blank slate!
This property belongs to my FIL. He bought it from one of my cousins on other side of family. He had a CD maturing and needed something to invest in. The fuel wood actually fetched him about a grand and bonus was the clearing of property. Timber Company plans to spray in spring, then burn and plant next fall but don't see how the fire will spread because of the job that was done. Wonder if hand planting this 40 acres by myself would be cheaper, because he said to treat property and replant is about $10k, state picks up 75% and our cost would be 2-3k.

Just a thought but I understand the State will pick up more for longleaf, at least they were. Somebody with more knowledge than me about it could tell you.