In my opinion, buck dispersion is one of the main reasons it does little good to try and manage a gene off of your property. When last year’s buck fawns leave mama as a 1 year old….he may relocate a long ways from where he was born. Many of the older bucks that are on your land were likely not born there. You get an influx of new young bucks every year from the surrounding area. The fact you shot that big 6 makes little difference as to which young bucks randomly move in.

If you had a jam up place with a ton of deer and really wanted to “cull” bucks….then you would take out the inferior 2-3 year old bucks that exhibited weak antler characteristics and leave the young 9 or 10 points, etc to get older…..It’s being done more because of social carrying capacity than it is to try and effect genetic makeup.

Last edited by CNC; 01/11/17 02:11 PM.

We dont rent pigs