Sounds like some folks just want to watch deer instead of killing deer. That's mostly the way that I am now, but I'm an old fart who killed my fair share when I was younger. This "only shoot a monster" has gotten way out of hand,unless you want to have a buck killed on the property maybe every 5 or 6 years in most places in Alabama. Admittedly, there is a challenge to that, which can be satisfying to some people. Lots of money and angst spent chasing pine goats, IMO. It stops being fun when you teach people to be afraid to pull the trigger because they may face the scorn of others and/or imposed fines. That being said, if you want to let deer walk, that's fine with me, because that is what I do. I do not, however, let them walk under the illusion that next year midwest-sized bucks will appear every time I hunt.