Originally Posted By: metalmuncher
You ever get up a tree with the wind perfectly in your face, then as the morning progresses the wind seems to shift or even start lightly swirling. If You're 15 feet off the ground, there's a decent chance you are going to alert every deer in the area that you are there.

Now imagine that you climbed 30 feet instead. By time you're scent reaches deer nose level it will be diluted by more than 50 percent and is twice as far away. That means that the deer that comes in from downwind has a much lower chance of detecting your scent. Even if he does, your scent is less intense so he may think that it is much older, when it is actually fresh.

I also like to hunt high when I'm looking out over a clearcut, rugged terrain, or both.

The only time I hunt below 30 feet is when the canopy doesn't allow it or if there is no trees in the area to climb higher.

I'm 51 years young, so I have slowed down a bit on my ascent and decent, but I'm perfectly comfortable high up and always use a harness so there's usually no reason for me to get blowed at by hunting too low. Deer don't always show up upwind where you hope they will be.


I like to see as much real estate as possible. I like to think I'm out of sight and out of mind.