Originally Posted By: ikillbux
That special interest was HUNTERS!!!!!!!! The food plot whiners pissing and moaning about "we can't see deer without the rut, the rut, the rut, the rut, the rut (insert vomit here)" Wanh, South AL gets it, wanh!!! Unbelievable pressure from the public, literally everybody was wanting that crap. There was no biological reason for extending it in the south! Same reasoning, whining hunters. They "caved" to the pressure if you will, trying to please this impossible bunch of "kill em all" hunters we have.

Now, prove to me there's some sinister special interest lobby other than hunters, I'll admit I'm wrong. But in the end, that's NOT what 9/10 of these guys on here are complaining about...they are complaining because they think there's an agenda to make hunting in Alabama like hunting with the Lakoskis in Iowa.

Show me the whining in NA to extend season, please. Didn't happen. It was done against biologists in NA's recommendations. It was a part of a backroom deal with high fence operators to get Gamecheck, this per a cab board member to me face to face.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.