If you hunt there take a map and a compass and know how to use both. Can't count the number of lost people I have carried out of that place.

Two stories were good. Had a guy walk under my stand next to the Tombigbee river. He was lost. Asked him where his boat was tied up. On the Black Warrior 200 yards from where the 2 rivers meet. He was not pleased to find he had walked 2 miles up the wrong river.

Another time I was bow hunting and it started raining. Was well prepared with rain suit and umbrella over my stand. So I sat and drank coffee and enjoyed snacks. Stayed way into the morning. It became apparent that the rain wouldn't stop and I was going to have to leave my dry area and pack it up. As I approached the boat i heard a "help" from across the slough. There stood a very wet hunter carrying a bow, stand on his back and an FRS radio. He was very glad to see me and said he had been waiting on me for 2 hours. NO compass, he was using the FRS to talk to his buddies as they passed in a boat and then walked toward the engine noise. He had wandered all through the swamp and would have been sitting in my boat except the slough was too deep. He had no answer when I pointed out that he was already soaked. All ended well as I gave him a ride back to Belmont and his buddies.

It is a good place to get lost and there are lots of bodies of water that will detour your journey.