Originally Posted By: Deadwood
I mean that with every little rule, every little law that passes, it seems that we are restricted more, not less, in the way we can hunt or fish or carry on with our lives. Every time the Government gets involved in anything, we end up with less freedom, not more. Usually that starts with an innocent little questionnaire or survey. Then some experts on a panel (a hand-picked, non-partisan one with no allegiances to the moneyed interests) get involved, and ultimately decide some sort of action needs to be taken to solve some crises that has been discovered. Do you see what I'm saying?

Yes, and no one with half a brain can deny what you are saying is true. But almost everything that is passed down from the CAB and Chuckie to us is done this way. Throw in a few under the table deals and that is where we are. The Commissioner needs to an elected position.