I wear a EE width, minimum. All the rubber boot companies say they will stretch to fit a wide foot. I don't want the boot to stretch, I want it to fit in the first place. I wish I could buy some Mucks, but they and all the other boot manufacturers need to cater to my width and other folks like me with fat or deformed feet, not the other way around. There is an entire market out there like me that is being overlooked. I have to literally filter results for wide footwear first before I can even begin to consider boot or shoe choices in ANY brand. 80% of the boot offerings in any brand is geared to D width or regular fit, and I simply can't wear them for even 5 minutes. I buy high end hunting stuff, but I can't waste money on a product that doesn't fit.

That said, I would love to buy some good Mucks, but I can't. They don't offer my fit.