Geez, VT. A story like that makes me almost want to burn everything.

And they parked that in front of the stand on purpose. Damned well knew what they were doing.


With these buffer zones and/or 20-foot 'fudge zones' they have, do y'all go out during the cutting and check on these areas? Put up any kind of flagging tape or spray paint like blaze orange to signify the boundary?

Reminds me of building our house and advice I got: go there every day to walk, look, make notes and talk with the contractor.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020