Originally Posted By: Clem

Y'all sure are easy to forgive. It ain't like this guy stole a piece of nickel peppermint from the grocery store candy rack.

Yep, and the whole story about the deer hasn't even been told. The version I heard would've actually been a funny story. And there's more truth to what he said at first than most think.
My understanding is, he was NOT hunting inside the fence, he was hunting the fair chase portion. The deer WAS in the "big pen", and came to the fence line one too many times, so ol boy decides he's gonna shoot the guy's 150" breeder buck. He and the landowner are evidently buddies and it was all laughed about. If this is true JT, why not just tell it the way it was? If you were gonna lie, why not paint you a black eye on and tell us the landowner "socked" you after shooting his BB. That would've made the story much more enjoyable and believable.
Kudos for admitting you were wrong for lying, but you have a criminal history, and without knowing your true integrity, I'd be more apt to show you the working end of a sidearm rather than shake your hand if you showed on my doorstep. Hate it's that way, but you did it.....not me.