This thread has really hit the skids since Travis showed some contrition. We were easily heading to 20 pages.

In regards to fair chase in the big pen, I can offer some experience. I have a family friend who has an enclosure around his property. It is not a pay for hunt facility and by invitation only. I hunted it a few of times with my father about 15 years ago. I kind of expected this before we hunted but it just doesn't feel right to me. I saw a few really big bucks while in the stand. The deer inside adapt in certain ways to their confines. If it is a really thick spot the deer will bed in it and let you walk right on past them. If you turned and walked directly into the thick spot they would bolt. I shot one deer they had identified as a cull - a 195 lb. 4-1/3 year old with a 9 point rack. Never have scored it but I would guess around 115.

One time I was walking through the woods to a stand and started hearing a loud rumbling noise coming through the woods. Then a group of maybe 30 deer came stampeding within 20 yards of me. I took cover as I thought I was going to be trampled. After the deer passed, someone came by riding on a golf cart. They weren't intentionally pushing the deer, it's just a herd mentality reaction to the circumstances. Definitely not how free range deer react.

I would never pay to hunt a facility like this, no matter the size. The idea of shooting deer like cattle just does not appeal to me. Especially if these deer have been artificially inseminated with the genes of some super freak buck raised in a pen for his nut. Some of those non-typical deer are ridiculous and look like lab freaks to me.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe