Originally Posted By: timbercruiser
Are the wild turnip seeds sort of like cockle burr seeds in that they will continue to be fertile after being underground for years?

For sure. I have completely killed the tops out of this field many times, but there is so much seed in the ground that you can't tell any difference the next fall.

I've also tried using 2-4,Db a few weeks after planting in an attempt to kill the turnips without killing the clover. It definitely has an effect on them and reduces the turnips in the plot for that season, but you still have to do it every year, and it won't kill them all the way Weedmaster does. It wasn't an option this year because of the drought, but that's the best program I've found to control them.

But I've given up controlling them and just decided to live with them. Deer will eat them, and really cold weather knocks them back so that they aren't too bad in January.

The sad thing is that we could have easily killed them out the first year they appeared. There wasn't that many plants and we could have wiped them out with a hand sprayer. The deer were eating them, so my dad decided to just see what they would do. I would have slipped in at night and sprayed them if I'd only known how bad they are. Take no mercy on them if these appear in your plots.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.