Originally Posted By: MC21
Originally Posted By: Johntravis89
REALLY????? I put in hour after hour every hunting season and was finally fortunate enough to have a deer of a lifetime walk in front of me. And it's one of the best days of my life and some of you wanna hate?!?!
How dare you. Hope you sleep good. And he's 100% free range in the mountains of Pelham al! Thanks for all the congrats from everyone else though!!
A memory I'll never forget!!

i don't think anyones hating on you man i told you i thought it was a nice buck in the message we had a guy on here a few weeks ago who was putting up pictures of deer he either didn't kill/photoshopped/or killed illegally and all the comments before the picture was just jokes. no one on this forum is a hater we try to lift each other up like i said what a great buck

Not only is it a memory you will never forget but i'm pretty sure it's a memory that nobody around here will ever forget either.

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!