From Archerytalk

Bassniper Bassniper is offline
Inactive User
Join Date
Feb 2010
Southwes of Chicago, not
They went to China. Here's a reply I got from them Monday.

Yes, we have moved our production over seas. Our cast platform patent
expired in July which now will allow our competition to produce a cast
stand. If we would have stayed in the USA we would have incurred higher
pricing for 2010. We are maintaining the quality and have no plans on
changing the stands in the future, thank you.

(309) 691-9653
(309) 693-9410 FAX NO.

It is settled. They sold out and the prices are not dropping even with that cheap overseas labor.

Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!

If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!