Originally Posted By: zkylefrazier
First year out here and it's kicking my tail. I have yet to see a deer from the stand.

Feel your pain. This is my second year hunting it. I see deer, not every sit, but I see enough to keep me coming back. I just always seem to be in the wrong tree when I see them. Let my first arrow loose ever out there this evening. Missed a bobcat. I have yet to draw on a deer. I learned so much out there last year and really felt confident coming into this year but I just haven't been able to get it done yet. Taking the rifle in the morning. Same wind as last saturday and I had does walk past me but it was buck only for rifles, so if they show again one will be going home with me. Freezer's almost empty from last year. Gotta get it restocked and if that means the rifle then the rifle it will be.